The Art of Movement Workshop at Middle School

Children have an excellent over-all package at school in their weekly schedule, these days. Along with academics, grooming and personality development begin right from day one, at The Cathedral Vidya School, [ International Boarding Schools in Maharashtra, India ]. Nutritious, healthy and a balanced diet along with fitness and exercise are a part of the daily schedule at good boarding schools in Pune. Schools today provide not only a balanced time table to manage academic excellence but also enhance other interests in students like dance, drama, karate, basics of cookery and other creative skills. Life at a residential school is very child - friendly and a lot more can be provided here when compared attending a day school. We at Cathedral IBDP , groom students with workshops conducted by leading professionals, who visit the campus and this prepares our young minds for excellence at IGCSE and IBDP. The Art of Movement was a thrilling experience for our student...