5 Ways To Help Your Child Get Ready For A Residential School in Mumbai

After a long list of qualifying examinations, you have secured a place for your kiddo at Cathedral Vidya, a prestigious and one of the topresidential schools near Mumbai. You’re on cloud nine, and your kiddo is all excited.

Amidst all the flurry of gathering school supplies, packing boxes of tucks, this question often creeps up silently at the back of your mind, “How to prepare your child for boarding school?”

Worry not, you’re not alone. Most parents are confused on how to get their kids ready to face boarding school. Here, in this article, you can find a list of top-notch tips and guidance from parents and teachers, who have been there before.

Let’s dig in.

1. Talk to your Child about Boarding School

Your kiddo may be nervous, excited or very often both. Tell them that it’s okay to feel nervous and other kids would also be feeling the same. Make a list of all things your kiddo is looking forward to and similarly make a list of all things that are worrying him/her. Talk with them about their concerns. Don’t dismiss any fears, even trivial, as childish. Instead, plan a strategy to help him/her deal with it.

Even if you’re anxious, try not to show it and be supportive. Children are highly adaptable, and within a quick time, they will fall in love with their new school.

2. Organisation is the Key

Don’t gather supplies at the last minute as you’re sure to miss out on a few things. Start well ahead and make use of the checklist provided by the school, to ensure that you don’t miss out on any crucial supplies. Encourage your kiddo to pack a couple of photographs, to help them cope the initial days at school.

Kids are likely to settle down soon if they feel at home in their boarding school.

3.  Make plans for communications

It’s normal for kids to feel homesick at a residential school, especially in the initial days. Talk to your children about your plans for visiting them on the weekends, or the days when they can come home during the break. Most Mumbai and Pune boarding schools allow for weekly calls to parents, emails and skype calls.

It’s vital to let your child know that you will be in contact always even when they are not at home.

4.   Encourage independence and establish few routines

In boarding schools, your child will have to wake-up on time, get dressed, have breakfast and attend classes all on his/her own without parental guidance. It’s a good idea to structure a similar routine at home a few days before the term begins. This helps your kiddo fall into an established routine. Also, encourage healthy eating habits and cut down on junk, to help them prepare for the nutritious meals served in hostels.

5. Above all, prepare yourself!

While most parents are excited about the thought of sending their child to a boarding school in Mumbai or Pune, when the time comes they feel lost. An easy way to smoothen the transition is to visit the school, spend some time interacting with the teachers, matrons to build trust and faith in the school and its care. Also, don’t be worried too much if your kiddo isn’t spending time with you on emails or phone calls – all these are just a sign that your child is busy forming new friendships and is settling down into a routine of learning and independence.

Cheers to a New Beginning!

Boarding school signals the start of a new adventure for both kids and their parents. Make use of these guidelines to help you prepare yourself and your kiddo for the new path ahead of you. 


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