Visual Arts Worksop at IBDP Schools near Mumbai

Visual Arts in IBDP: One of the favourite subjects students love to study and express themselves in as IBDP coherts.  The visual arts are an essential part of daily life. It can be seen in all parts of humanity and human nature, going beyond all levels of creativity, expressions, communication and comprehension. Visual language of communication is not confined to communities, societies, and cultures. They may have sociopolitical impact as well as ritual, spiritual, decorative and functional value; they can be persuasive and subversive in some instances, enlightening and uplifting in others.

We celebrate the visual arts not only in the way we create images and objects, but also in the way we appreciate, enjoy, respect and respond to the practices of art-making by others from around the world. Theories and practices in visual arts are dynamic and ever-changing, and connect many areas of knowledge and human experience through individual and collaborative exploration, creative production and critical interpretation.

The IB Diploma Programme visual arts course encourages students to challenge their own creative and cultural expectations and boundaries. It is a thought-provoking course in which students develop analytical skills in problem-solving and divergent thinking, while working towards technical proficiency and confidence as art-makers. In addition to exploring and comparing visual arts from different perspectives and in different contexts, students are expected to engage in, experiment with and critically reflect upon a wide range of contemporary practices and media. The course is designed for students who want to go on to study visual arts in higher education as well as for those who are seeking lifelong enrichment through visual arts.

Supporting the International Baccalaureate mission statement and learner profile, the course encourages students to actively explore the visual arts within and across a variety of local, regional, national, international and intercultural contexts. Through inquiry, investigation, reflection and creative application, visual arts students develop an appreciation for the expressive and aesthetic diversity in the world around them, becoming critically informed makers and consumers of visual culture.

Our Champions in Visual Arts

Our Students displayed their art work at an exhibition held at IBDPSchools near Mumbai, which was attended by their parents, teachers and friends.

Prahan Pacher from the IBDP Class of 2018presented a variety of expressions in his art work reflecting HUMAN NATURE in the exhibition titled: “A world war one gas mask with a grin” It represented the two sides of human nature – The helpful and the sadistic. The gas mask was an inspiration from the gas masks which were distributed during the world war to protect the people from gas bombs which could be dropped during air raids.People feared chemical weapons which were used in World War Two. He used clay, papier mache, and acrylic paint to create this gas mask.

Hoejung Jung from the IBDP Class of 2018 presented her paintings reflecting her personal experiences with stereo type judgements in the exhibition titled COMPLEX & STEREO TYPE.

Through these paintings she has tried to raise an awareness about stigmatic issues and emotions, expressing how a young girl feels when she is teased or criticized and made fun of for reasons beyond her control.She enjoyed this entire process from the conception of the thought and selecting the topic to the presentation at the exhibition. She expressed her gratitude to her friends especially those who helped her through-out the process, by sharing their experiences and just talking about it helped align the content and express those emotions through her paintings. The inspiration and steady assistance from Nupur, Sanchi & Ashwath made them her pillars of strength.

Hoejung Jung presented 11 works of art out of which “Pimple-egg” is her most iconic presentation.

“Based on my personal experience with pimples, I was teased by my class mates [In my previous institution] because my face was full of pimples. I suffered from appearance complex, overcoming that was a long process over the years; beingteased / teasing others is not a very nice thing to do.  We need a more empathetic and supportive environment especially at best IB board schools Mumbai among peers with such advanced emotional awareness available these days.”

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